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    Integrated Risk Management
    [ Скачать с сервера (5.88 Mb) ] 27.11.2009, 23:34
    Preface ix
    Part One
    Background Analysis
    Chapter 1
    The Convergence of Insurance Risk Management and Financial Risk Management
    Insurance and Risk Management 4
    The Growth of Derivatives Markets 6
    The Intellectual Climate 8
    Integrated Risk Management 10
    Plan of the Book 13
    References 15
    Chapter 2
    Risk and Utility: Economic Concepts and Decision Rules
    Derivation of Decision Rules 18
    Insurance and the Expected-Utility Rule 29
    Some Risk Management Propositions for Individuals 32
    Dealing with One Risk When Faced with Another 48
    Alternative Decision Rules 50
    Conclusion 58
    References 59
    Chapter 3
    Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
    Moral Hazard 62
    Ex Ante Moral Hazard 64
    Adverse Selection 72
    Page iv
    Conclusion 81
    References 81
    Appendix 83
    Some Problems with the Rothschild–Stiglitz Model 83
    Other Adverse Selection Models 84
    Chapter 4
    Portfolio Theory and Risk Management
    Description of an Insurance Portfolio 89
    Risk Reduction in an Insurance Portfolio of Independent, Heterogeneous Risks 99
    Measuring Correlation between Risk Units 105
    Risk Reduction in an Insurance Portfolio of Interdependent Risks 109
    Risk Reduction with Correlated Risks 114
    Three Applications 115
    Diversification and the Distribution of Aggregate Losses for the (Non-Insurance) Firm 119
    Conclusion 124
    References 126
    Chapter 5
    Capital Market Theory
    A Capital Market in Which Investors Hold Only One Security 128
    Capital Market Equilibrium with Diversification 132
    Testing the Capital Asset Pricing Model 150
    Implications for Financial Management 151
    Implications for Risk Management 154
    Conclusion 157
    References 158
    Chapter 6
    Derivatives and Options
    Forwards and Futures 161
    Options 165
    Swaps 176
    Some Applications of Options 179
    Page v
    Conclusion 189
    References 190
    Part Two
    Risk Management Strategies
    Chapter 7
    Why Is Risk Costly to Firms?
    Risk and Shareholder Diversification 195
    Why Is Risk Costly to Firms? 199
    Core Risk and Incidental Risk 223
    Which Firms Benefit from Managing Risk? 225
    Some Evidence on the Cost of Risk and Firm Value 226
    Conclusion: A Transactions Costs Explanation of Corporate Risk Management 230
    References 231
    Chapter 8
    Risk Management Strategy: Duality and Globality
    Duality in Risk Management Strategy 235
    Classifying Risk Management Strategies 261
    Integrated/Holistic Risk Management 268
    Conclusion 280
    References 282
    Chapter 9
    Post-loss Investment Decisions and the Measurement of Loss
    Where Does the Value of a Firm Come From? 284
    How Value Can Be Lost and Recaptured 287
    Mitigation and Optimal Post-loss Decisions: Crisis Management 295
    Measuring Loss 307
    Reinvestment and Abandonment: Some Special Issues 308
    Conclusion 327
    References 328
    Page vi
    Chapter 10
    Post-loss Financing: Fundability and Dysfunctional Investment
    A Sketch of the Capital Structure Problem 332
    Recapturing Value through Post-loss Reinvestment 335
    Is Post-loss Investment Fundable? 337
    Debt or Equity Refinancing? 348
    Prime Autos Suffers a Liability Loss 358
    A More General Framework for Comparing Post-loss Debt and Equity Financing 360
    Reintroducing Corporate Taxes 369
    The Effect of Personal Taxes on Post-loss Financing 373
    Conclusion 375
    References 376
    Appendix 377
    Problem 1 377
    Problem 2 377
    Chapter 11
    Post-loss Financing: Liquidity and Debt Renegotiation
    Information Asymmetry–The Pecking Order Hypothesis 380
    Liquidity Problems and Post-loss Financing 384
    Liquidity Crunches 401
    Renegotiations of Debt and Post-loss Underinvestment 404
    Conclusion 409
    References 410
    Chapter 12
    Contingent Financing
    Comparison of Post-loss Financing and Simple Contingent Financing 413
    Contingent Financing: Size, Fundability, and Triggers 426
    Ex Ante Analysis of LOC 430
    Contingent Equity–Loss Put Equity Options 433
    The Impact of Hedged Losses on Share Value: Feedback Effect 448
    Conclusion 456
    References 457
    Page vii
    Chapter 13
    Contingent Leverage Strategies and Hybrid Debt
    Risk Management and Capital Structure 460
    Contingent Leverage Strategies and Hybrid Debt 461
    Reducing Convexity of the Payoff 465
    Inclusion of a Liability Hedge 486
    Reduction in Bankruptcy Costs 499
    Hybrid Debt and Financing Post-loss Investment 500
    Conclusion 501
    References 503
    Chapter 14
    Hedging and Insurance
    Review of Post-loss Financing and the Introduction of Insurance 505
    Pre-loss Analysis of Insurance versus Debt Financing 513
    Other Hedging Instruments 521
    Structuring Insurance and Hedging Programs 524
    Backing off a Full Basket Option Program (The Limits of Integration) 536
    Conflict Resolution: Horizontal versus Vertical Programs 544
    Trading off Risk and Return in Hedging Strategy: The Efficient Frontier 548
    Conclusion 552
    References 553
    Chapter 15
    Organizational Form and Risk Management: Limited Liability
    Externalizing Costs with Limited Liability 557
    Externalizing Costs–Ex Ante Analysis 561
    Limited Liability and Optimal Insurance 567
    Limited Liability, Safety, and Loss Prevention 575
    Implications for Social Policy 583
    Conclusion 590
    References 591
    Page viii
    Chapter 16
    A Case Study: The Securitization of Catastrophe Risk
    Catastrophe Reinsurance 595
    The Design Space 604
    Catastrophe Hedge Instruments 606
    Revisiting the Design Space 616
    Trading off Basis Risk and Moral Hazard–Indexed and Parameterized Triggers 618
    Conclusion 621
    References 622
    Appendix 625
    Index 632
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